
You can check all avaible commands of the bot. Some commands migh be reserved to moderators, admin or the Bot Onwer.


By default, this runs tests for all your sites

This is the main command that is used to run kong tests. By default, it does nothing, but you can pass in arguments to it, to make it do what you want.


-t, –test <test_slug>

Run the tests for a specific Test. This might be run across multiple ``Site``s or ``Type``s, whatever the test defines.

-s, –site <site_slug>

Run all of the tests for a specific site. This will run the tests that explicitly point at the Site, as well as the tests for the Type that the site is.

-T, –type <type_slug>

Run the tests for a specific Type. This will run the tests for all sites for that Type.